Get the Windows 10 Mobile Fall Creators Update.Fall creator 1709 update

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Fall creator 1709 update 


Windows 10 Fall Creators Update version is Now Available - Microsoft Community.Question Info


Here is the link on how to perform a clean boot. Method 2: Here is a link on how to download Apps Troubleshooter. In steam go to detailed view, right click over the game, select properties, select local files, verify integrity of game files this may download some missing files.

Thank you for your reply. For more details on troubleshooting using Steam Go, we would suggest that you contact steam or you can post your concern on Steam Community directly on this link. For me too , games work only on DirectX 9 but not on 11 and 10 - awful!

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Dear Microsoft, I recently, upgraded my Windows 10 from version to , and what I noticed, is lot of my existing games do not run any more on it. Both the versions have DirectX This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Some of the makers of the games have not updated them as yet.

Keep after them. You can schedule the right time: just pick a time that works best for you or set a new reminder for tomorrow. A final reminder alerts you 15 minutes before your device is scheduled to reboot, so you can properly save and close out of what you are doing. To ensure devices in enterprise environments are running the most current and secure version of Windows with the latest security updates, any device on Windows 10 Enterprise edition or Windows 10 Pro edition that is configured to receive updates automatically from Windows Update will be automatically offered Windows 10, version after January 18, This does not apply to long-term servicing editions.

Bring your devices up to date with the Fall Creators Update, now available for all customers globally — consumer and commercial alike. You can also update your device or personalize your settings including your active hours, restart options and other advanced options in the Windows Update settings menu. I had this issue with the other betas as well. For some reason I need this update but from what I can tell this update is already outdated? Anyone else have this issue?

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 comments. Same problem here, I have Windows 11, MCC runs fine, i managed to launch the game even with that error but then the screen freezes and the game stops working. Akuma View Profile View Posts. My game also does this, fully updated drivers, literally just updated to Windows 11 to reinstall it and it gets to the main menu and freezes in less than 5 minutes. Originally posted by Akuma :.



Fall creator 1709 update.Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (ver. 1709) breaking games


Share Tweet. See all results. Halo Infinite Store Page. Global Achievements. I had this issue with the other betas as well. For some reason I need this update but from what I can tell this update is already outdated? Anyone else have this issue? We do this so we can ensure the update does not disrupt you, and we use active hours to help suggest a good time. This will only work if your device is eligible to get the Fall Creators Update as part of the initial roll out phase.

You no longer need to wait for our signal — deployment control and choice is yours. You can learn more about Windows Analytics tools and best practices for deployment and servicing the Semi-Annual Channel releases. As always, we will continue to evolve our releases based on your feedback.

At this point, I'm so frustrated that I'm about to just do a reinstall. I'm currently backing up all of my personal files, as well as my games, and I'm going to give the above methods one more shot before reinstalling.

Here's hoping one more shot works…. Tim January 29, pm. Jim Webber January 28, pm. Microsoft has now become much more aggressive at pushing this update. It starts to download and install soon after you logon. If it the fails to install properly, it tries again next day. Since it downloads the update from scratch each time, you quickly use up a lot of your monthly bandwidth. After numerous attempts at applying fixes, disabling anti-virus etc I am giving up and have disabled the Windows Update.

CyberWarrior January 28, pm. I have googled this and none of these fixes worked for me and I tried them all. The only thing that worked was reformatting. My computer is now all up t date and running perfectly. Virginia January 28, am. I have noticed that the update has a lot of issues with older Intel chipsets. A quick check on Intel's site can prevent a lot of issues. You are likely good if there are Windows 10 drivers, if not. I tried method 2 after uninstalling anti malware and removing all USB connections and running the troubleshoot windows update.

It ran slowly but got there eventually. This was the 6th time I had tried it but the advice I got here helped enormously. Bob Herring January 24, pm.

Thanks so much. I was determined to fix it myself so thx. John D January 24, am. Why doesn't Microsoft fix this? That is, 1 do a new update that does not cause all these problems but does give the same or better security, and does not have the supergraphics stuff that most people don't need, and 2 give us a tool to make Win10 stop trying to install every day!

Every day, it slows down and interferes with using the computer! I know, MS should have fixed this months ago? I had the same problem and tried everything and nothing worked. I finally decided to reformat and now everything is updated and working fine. Vasilis January 13, pm. I tried to install this update a couple of times but it didn t work…. I m using my pc at home to run some music programms and for gaming so i didn t care much….. Yesterday I decided to install a copy of windows 10 again because time was right to format my pc…..

I found this page and thought to give one solution a try and if it didn t work i couldn t care less. I tried the first one and it worked right away…… I m writting here so that a feedback of your work can be known……. Thanks for your help…..!!!! Jim A January 13, am.

None of these methods worked for me. Four days i read on internet and tested different methods. Then i mounted the image right click on Windows. In 45 minutes my system was updated without lost of data at installation point when you are asked to choose to keep my files or clean install i choose to keep my files.

The pc restarted few times. Now is working fine. Escuse me for spell. January 19, am. After at least 7 attempts I changed my outdated graphics card and then followed the steps above by Jim A, worked for me… Thanks. Clint January 23, pm. Bill Harroff January 13, am. I have tried more than 30x to update to Windows 10, version since early December. I have run the various troubleshooting apps that come with Windows. I have also tried the "top 5" fixes listed here.

None have helped. I do not currently run any other virus detection software that conflicts; just Windows Defender. I've also started using the ethernet connection directly into our router. Retired computer tech January 25, am. Do you have an ssd drive? If so you might need to use partition wizard tool to increase the size of the windows system reserve partition to at least MB.

Then download the upgrade assistant, run it, and select copy to flash drive for installation on another computer. You will use this disk to install the new version. First, use belarc advisor to print a copy of your computer settings. This also includes any software licenses you may need later to reinstall programs that may no longer work properly.

Larry January 9, am. Getting rid of my corrupted software distribution subdirectory files is what I had to do. IMHO one should never have to uninstall the antivirus program or any other security program from your system to apply a legitimate fix from a legitimate company.

Doing what you suggest as step 1 opens oneself up to a lot of exposure as one continues to explore what other steps to take by following links — some of which may be sketchy!

Ken January 8, pm. After weeks of doing nothing on my computer except for trying to update, it seems as if method 1 is working. Finally got to downloading updates stage and seems to be moving quickly. Thanks for the article! I'll report back after the installation.

TL February 16, pm. Sandra Smith January 7, pm. My issue with the update is that I used to have Symantec Endpoint Protection. When Windows 10 came out, I installed it with no issues. My family tech genius, and he really is a genius in a director position at a major university, said Windows Defender is as good as any other antivirus program he said they were all crap anyway , so I uninstalled Symantec and chose to use Windows Defender. Everything was going well until the update came out. I got the message that I needed to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection, but it had already been uninstalled I checked my program list in the control panel to be sure.

Since I had no luck, I had our family genius come out, and he worked for quite a while doing his thing, and said that evidently there was some kind of hook still on my computer and he was going to see if one of his people had a link to send him that might solve the issue. However, he is so busy, he has not had a chance to make it back to work on it again. This has been going on for weeks, since the update came out, and I am ready to scream.

Is there a remedy? Chris January 9, am. I use Revo Uninstaller. It does a complete uninstall of the files left behind after deleting programs. Sandra Smith January 15, am. Chris: Thanks for trying to help. Not wanting to waste my money downloading something that might not work, I tried downloading the free version of Revo Uninstaller.

However, because Symantec Endpoint Protection no longer appears in the control panel list of programs since I deleted it months ago, it doesn't appear on the list of possible uninstalls using Revo.

Therefore there is no way to get to whatever it is that's left and causing the problem. However, Symantec was installed on my computer by the family genius who tried to help me out, and I don't have the number that CleanWipe requires to be able to download. I think after reading the two replies to my question, I'll have to wait for the genius to get back to me whenever he finds time.

Sandra Smith: You don't need a serial number. Click at the right side on the page, at "Download Files" and then just download and then run CleanWipe. On my , HP G60 Notebook laptop, after a successful download of Feature Update Win10, version , when my laptop automatically restarted took about 2 hours ; then automatically my usual "User" Sign in screen opened. I am the only User. The initial User sign in password has never been changed.

With no possible method to reset one's password—basically one is locked out from their own computer! In so doing, the computer does NOT follow standard shut down protocol. A solid blue screen will appear with white dots in the center spinning clockwise. This continues for about 5 minutes. The computer is completing its "restart. And yes, the update has been installed. Pavel January 5, am.

None of the methods worked. But I kept trying. Disabled all services from other software. Disabled everything in Device Manager that was possible to disable except network. Disabled Windows Update Service. Removed SoftwareDistribution folder completely. Finally, with the separately downloaded Windows 10 Windows Assistant it made it through and now after about a week of trying I am happy with ver.


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